Lab A.6: Scoring
Part of Appendix A: Optional extrasGeneral setup
For all lab exercises you should create a folder for the lab somewhere sensible.
Assuming you have a GAMR1520-labs folder, you should create a GAMR1520-labs/week_A folder for this week and a GAMR1520-labs/week_A/lab_A.6 folder inside that.
Create a collection of scripts. If necessary, use folders to group related examples.
GAMR1520-labs └─ week_A └─ lab_A.6 ├─ └─
Try to name your files better than this, the filename should reflect their content. For example,, or
Make sure your filenames give clues about what is inside each file. A future version of you will be looking back at these, trying to remember where a particular example was.
General approach
As you encounter new concepts, try to create examples for yourself that prove you understand what is going on. Try to break stuff, its a good way to learn. But always save a working version.
Modifying the example code is a good start, but try to write your own programmes from scratch, based on the example code. They might start very simple, but over the weeks you can develop them into more complex programmes.
Think of a programme you would like to write (don't be too ambitious). Break the problem down into small pieces and spend some time each session trying to solve a small problem.
Our game is now essentially playable but there is one obvious missing component.
In this exercise, we will add a scoring mechanism and print the score at each step when we print the grid.
This is the final addition we need before we start building a tkinter
GUI for the game.
Points are earned every time a merge happens. The number of points earned is equal to the value of the newly merged tile.
Consider the following case:
[[None, None, None, None],
[None, 2, None, 2],
[None, None, None, None],
[None, None, 2, 2]]
On moving left (or right) the two pairs of 2
’s will merge, producing two 4
’s and earning eight points.
On moving up (or down) only one pair will merge, earning four points.
Create the score attribute
The first thing we will do, is to create a score
attribute on our Game
We can initialise it to zero in the __init__
method by just adding a single line like this.
def __init__(self):
self.grid = [[None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None]]
self.moves = {
"W": core.move_up,
"A": core.move_left,
"S": core.move_down,
"D": core.move_right
self.score = 0 # <- this is new
We have added a single additional line like this
self.score = 0
Showing the score attribute
Now, in order to see the score, we can update the str method. Modifying the last line in the method to include the score in the string representation of the game.
def __str__(self):
tiles = [[str(t or ".").center(4) for t in row] for row in self.grid]
result = "\n".join([" ".join(row) for row in tiles])
msg = ""
if not self.playing:
msg = "\nYOU QUIT THE GAME\n"
if self.game_over:
msg = "\nGAME OVER\n"
return f"\nSCORE: {self.score}\n\n{result}\n{msg}" # <- this has changed
Calculating the score
We need to calculate the additional points earned by each move. This is a task for the core module.
Notice that the points are the same for left and right moves and for up and down moves.
So we only need two function, we will implement horizontal_points
and vertical_points
functions in the core
These functions will not be used to modify the grid, they will simply calculate the potential points.
The horizontal_points
function will do all the work.
The vertical_points
function can be very simple because it just needs to transpose the grid and call the horizontal_points
function like this:
def vertical_points(grid):
grid = transpose(grid)
return horizontal_points(grid)
To calculate the potential points from a horizontal move, we need to first stack all the tiles to the left. Then we need to look for pairs, just like we did when looking for potential merges. So our function goes something like this.
def horizontal_points(grid):
grid = [stack_left(row) for row in grid]
points = 0
for row in range(4):
for col in range(3):
if grid[row][col] and grid[row][col] == grid[row][col + 1]:
points += grid[row][col] * 2
return points
We create a new grid by stacking each row with stack_left
Then we initialise the points to zero and loop over each row.
In each row, we check the three possible pairs.
If they are not None
and are the same, we add to the points variable.
Once all the loops have ended, we return the points variable.
This looks ok, but we should test it to make sure.
Testing the score calculation
We can implement some tests using the usual pattern.
Create two classes, TestHorizontalPoints
and TestVerticalPoints
Add a few test functions to each class to test the function returns the correct points.
Just make up some sensible example grids.
Be careful to include a zero points example and an example where some points are earned.
Try to include things like pairs of None
values and multiple possible pairs in a row.
class TestHorizontalPoints(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_points(self):
input = [[None, None, None, None],
[ 2, 4, 8, 4],
[ 2, 4, 8, 4],
[ 2, 4, 8, 4]]
self.assertEqual(core.horizontal_points(input), 0)
def test_some_points(self):
input = [[None, None, None, None],
[ 2, 2, 8, 4],
[ 2, 4, 8, 8],
[ 2, 4, 8, 4]]
self.assertEqual(core.horizontal_points(input), 20)
class TestVerticalPoints(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_points(self):
input = [[None, None, None, None],
[ 2, None, 8, 4],
[ 4, 8, 4, 2],
[ 2, 4, 8, 4]]
self.assertEqual(core.vertical_points(input), 0)
def test_some_points(self):
input = [[None, None, None, None],
[ 2, 2, 8, 4],
[ 2, 4, 8, 8],
[ 2, 4, 8, 4]]
self.assertEqual(core.vertical_points(input), 28)
Try to run the tests.
Oh dear, some of the tests are failing!
Find out where the problem is and see if you can work out why the calculations are not working properly.
Hint: There is some double counting happening here.
variable inside thehorizontal_points
function can be modified as we calculate the score.
Don’t worry if you can’t solve it. Move on and we will provide the solution at the end.
Updating the score
The next step is to integrate the new core
functions into our game and update the self.score
attribute accordingly at each move.
To do this, we will need to know whether to use horizontal_points
or vertical_points
We can do this with another dictionary to map the functions to the user-provided command.
Add the following into your __init__
self.point_functions = {
"W": core.vertical_points,
"A": core.horizontal_points,
"S": core.vertical_points,
"D": core.horizontal_points
Here we are mapping the “W” and “S” commands to the vertical function and “A” and “S” to the horizontal function. So, given the user-provided command, we can access the correct function.
The final addition is to calculate the new score in the process_command
We do this just before we apply the move to the grid.
This allows us to use the existing grid data to calculate the score.
def process_command(self, command):
next_grid = self.moves[command](self.grid)
if next_grid != self.grid:
self.score += self.point_functions[command](self.grid)
self.grid = next_grid
new_tile = choice([2, 2, 2, 4])
self.game_over = core.is_game_over(self.grid)
Try the game. You should see that the score now updates after each merge.
The tests failed above because three similar tiles in a row were being treated as two merges.
The answer is to set any matching tiles to None
once you have added their score to the result.
def horizontal_points(data):
data = [stack_left(row) for row in data]
points = 0
for row in range(4):
for col in range(3):
if data[row][col] and data[row][col] == data[row][col + 1]:
points += data[row][col] * 2
# These next two lines are new
data[row][col] = None
data[row][col + 1] = None
return points
Create a new file
Using the game
module as a template, spend some time trying to build an equivalent game class using tkinter
Show a score label at the top. Add a frame to hold the tiles. Make each tile a simple label.