GAMR1520: Markup languages and scripting

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User-defined functions

Part of Week 2: Files, functions and classes

We have already come across built-in functions such as len() and print() as well as methods available on objects such as list.append(). Here we will introduce user-defined functions using the def keyword.

See also the official python tutorial section on function definitions for a nice introduction.

Table of contents

Calling functions with arguments

Functions and methods are known as callable objects which means they can be called with an argument list between parentheses.

We have seen many examples like this.

len('hello world')

here len() is the function and 'hello world' is a single argument.

Similarly, functions and methods can be called with no arguments or multiple arguments.

empty_list = list()
print('hello world')
print('hello', 'world')
'hello world'.center(20)
'hello world'.center(20, '-')

These are all valid usage. Depending on the implementation, a function may enforce the number of arguments it requires, raising errors if called incorrectly.

With these so-called positional arguments, the position in the argument list often determines the meaning of an arguments.

Arguments can also be optional, with default values provided. A concrete example of positional and default arguments is the method.

original = 'middle'              # 'middle'
centered =   # '       middle       '
fancy =, '=') # '=======middle======='

The comments are indicating the results here. Try printing the variables original, centered and fancy to see the results for yourself.

In the above case, the first argument to the method determines the length of the returned string. Using the method with only one argument will pad the string with spaces by default, creating a string with the requested length. However, by adding a second (optional) argument, we can specify the character to use for padding the result.

See the python documentation for details.

If we tried swapping the order of the arguments, we will get a TypeError because the first argument must be an integer. If we tried providing an integer or a longer string as the second argument, again we would get a TypeError because the method requires a string exactly one character long as the second argument.

Keyword arguments and default value

Functions and methods can also accept keyword arguments preceded by an identifier (e.g. name=”hello”) in the list of arguments.

keyword arguments are always added after any positional arguments

One example of this is the str.expandtabs() method. This method will return a copy of a string in which a tab characters (\t) are replaced by one or more spaces. The python documentation shows that this method takes a single argument, tabsize which has a default value of 8.

Values for keyword arguments can be passed by position but can also be passed as keywords. When passed by keyword, they can make function and method calls more explicit and (when good names are used) help clarify what is happening in complex code.

Examples of basic usage are shown below.

p = '<p>\n\thello\n</p>'          # An HTML paragraph
default = p.expandtabs()          # default tabsize (8)
four = p.expandtabs(4)            # Set implicitly by position
twelve = p.expandtabs(tabsize=12) # Set explicitly by keyword

Again, the comments are indicating the results. Try printing the variables p, default, four and twelve to see the results for yourself.

As we shall see, keyword arguments are a great a way to make function arguments optional and to provide default values.

Now, let’s look at how to define our own functions.

Defining custom functions

Functions are a very powerful form of compound statement in python. They are created using the def keyword followed by a valid function name (similar to a variable name), an argument list between parentheses, and a colon. This is followed by a block of code, which can include a return statement.

Here’s a simple example:

def greet():
    print('hello world!')

We can now access the function by name. The act of defining a function creates a variable of type function.

<function greet at 0x7f7a8208fd90>
<class 'function'>

When we call our function, it will print our message.


Choosing good names is famously one of the hardest problems in programming.

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” Phil Karlton

Function names will become embedded in our programmes. We are effectively creating our own extensions to the language. When we read our code it should be obvious what we are doing.

Obviously we need to avoid clashes, i.e. don’t name your function print() or def().

In terms of code style, we should be using lower-case letters and can use underscores as necessary (following PEP8).


Defining arguments is easy, just put argument names (like variables) in the brackets.

def greet(name):
    print(f'hello {name}!')

Now we can call the function with an argument.


The function can take our argument and use it to generate the output.

hello python!

If we don’t pass an argument, a TypeError is raised with a useful error message.

TypeError: greet() missing 1 required positional argument: 'name'

If we pass too many arguments, a different message is provided.

greet('python', 3)
TypeError: greet() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

Optional/default arguments

We can add optional arguments with default values using keywords like this.

def greet(name, greeting='hello'):
    print(f'{greeting} {name}!')

This allows for a more flexible function that can be used in more situations.

greet('keyword arguments', greeting='I understand')
hello python!
I understand keyword arguments!

Return statements

When we call the above function, it has a side-effect of printing to the console. For more direct interaction with functions we can take advantage of the fact that function calls resolve to a value that can be used in our programme.

If we add return statements into a function, we can return a value for use by the calling code.

Return statements look like this.

def my_function():    
    return 'some value'

return statements are only valid inside functions. You can add as many as you need but be careful because code after a return statement will not be reached.

When a return statement is reached in a function, the code will exit the function back to the calling code and the function call will evaluate to whatever value was passed to the return statement.

In the greet function above, we did not include a return statement. Without any return statements, functions return None by default when the code block completes.

We can assign the function call to a variable.

result = greet('world')
print(f'returned: {result}')
hello world!
returned: None

As expected, the code prints 'returned: None'.

We can rewrite the function to return the greeting string rather than printing it.

def greet(name, greeting='hello'):
    return f'{greeting} {name}!'

Now, in our calling code, we can store the value returned by the function and do what we want with it.

message = greet('world')
print(f'returned: {message}')
returned: hello world!

Functions are a powerful feature in any programming language. We can think of them as tools for extending the language with new capabilities. Extracting common operations into simple functions can make code more efficient, more maintainable and easier to read.

More complex functions

Of course, functions are not always one-liners. They can be used to define more complex recipes for manipulating data.

The following code returns a formatted string representation of a list with a title.

def formatted_list(items, title='list'):
    width = max([len(i) for i in items + [title]]) + 4
    hline = '*' * width
    result = [hline, title, hline] + items + [hline]
    result = [f'*{}*' for i in result]
    return "\n".join(result)

Internal to the function we go through several steps to generate the formatted output.

Study the function and play with it. Don’t worry if it seems complex. This code evolved over time. For details, see the refactoring page.

In this case, we can call the function like this.

items = ['apples', 'bananas', 'cherries']
title = 'fruit'
fancy_output = formatted_list(items, title=title)

This produces the following output:

*   fruit    *
*   apples   *
*  bananas   *
*  cherries  *

Argument unpacking

We have covered the basics of functions in python but there is some additional useful syntax it’s worth knowing about.

The following covers advanced techniques for developing intuitive and useful functions. Don’t worry if this is confusing. You can skip it if this is the first time you are working with functions. You can come back to this page when you have some more experience of writing code and hopefully it will make more sense.

In particular we can pack and unpack arguments. In normal code, outside of functions, you might see this kind of thing:

a = 1, 2

Here a becomes the tuple (1, 2).

An extension of this:

a, b = 1, 2

Here, both sides of the assignment operator are comma-separated and the same length. On the left we have two variables and on the right we have two literals. So a becomes 1 and b becomes 2. This just works and can be useful, but can also be less readable so use it sparingly.

One case where it is extremely useful is if we want to swap the values of variables.

a, b = b, a

Again, this just works. The values of the variables are swapped.

We can also specify that multiple values should be packed into a single variable as a list by using an asterisk (*), like this.

a, *b = 1, 2, 3

This results in a taking the value 1 and b becomes the list [2, 3].

and finally, we can also do this:

a, *b, c = 1, 2, 3, 4

In which case, the first and last values (1 and 4) are allocated to a and c respectively and the remaining values (2 and 3) are packed into b as a list.

A similar approach can be taken with function arguments.

Arbitrary argument lists

see also the python documentation

You will sometimes see code like this with an asterisk before an argument:

def greet(*names):
    for name in names:
        print(f'hello {name}')

greet("python", "functions", "arguments")

In this case the asterisk indicates that all positional arguments passed into the function should be merged into a single tuple containing all the values in order. In the example, the argument names will contain a tuple containing the three positional arguments provided.

hello python
hello functions
hello arguments

So no matter how many positional arguments are provided, they will be merged into a single tuple which will preserve the order in which the arguments were provided. Our function can access the third argument using names[2], but this may raise an indexError since there is no guarantee that the calling code provided three arguments.

We can see the tuple in the following example:

def print_argument_details(*args):
    print(type(args), args)

print_argument_details('hello', 'world', 15, True)

This produces the following output:

<class 'tuple'> ('hello', 'world', 15, True)

Notice that the print() function makes use of this feature. We can add as many positional arguments as we want to print.

print(1, 2, 3)

A similar but opposite result can also be achieved when calling functions or methods. We can pass a tuple into a function prepended with an asterisk to unpack the tuple into separate arguments

args = (20, '+')
print('hello world'.center(*args))

Our args tuple is split into two arguments.

Try it without the asterisk.

args = (20, '+')
print('hello world'.center(args))

This generates an error because the first argument should be an integer, but we passed a tuple.

We can in fact pass any iterable value in this way. Going back to the greet() and print_argument_details() functions we defined earlier.


This decomposes the string into individual characters which are then passed as separate arguments and recombined into the tuple that is processed by the functions.

hello h!
hello e!
hello l!
hello l!
hello o!
<class 'tuple'> ('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o')

Keyword argument packing

The ** operator works in a similar fashion to convert between keyword arguments and dictionaries. We can construct a similar set of examples as follows.

def greet2(**things):
    for name in things:
        print(f'{name} is {things[name]}!')

def print_kwargument_details(**kwargs):
    print(type(kwargs), kwargs)

greet2(python="amazing", mind="blown")
print_kwargument_details(python="amazing", mind="blown")
python is amazing!
mind is blown!
<class 'dict'> {'python': 'amazing', 'mind': 'blown'}

This can be useful when passing unknown optional arguments through a function to another function.

def complicated(a, b, c, d='default', e='default', f='default'):
    print(a, b, c, d, e, f)

def simple(**kwargs):
    complicated(0, 0, 0, **kwargs)

In the above code we have created a new, simpler version of the complicated function that can be called with no arguments, but it still retains the optional arguments just like the original.

simple(d='new value')
simple(e='new value')
simple(f='new value')
simple(d='new value', e='new value', f='new value')
0 0 0 default default default
0 0 0 new value default default
0 0 0 default new value default
0 0 0 default default new value
0 0 0 new value new value new value

So, functions are really nice. They are very useful for encapsulating a reusable recipe that may be used in multiple places.